Enjoy a short preview of Evan's great videos.


The Mozart Musical Workout is a series of funny and exhilarating movements that get kids moving and grooving to the great classics. We find the special rhythmic and melodic elements in classical music and express the music’s spirit in movement. The kids might feel jumpy, like aliens are invading their bodies or lovely like they’re skipping through the grass or muscular like weightlifters. While getting exercise, the kids activate their imaginations as they create monsters, fish, rabbits, and more.

The Mozart Musical Workout also works great in a non-music classroom for movement breaks in the morning, middle and end of the day wrap-ups.

Contact Sir Evan for a personal demonstration, clinic, or workshop presentation.

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(grade 3 and up)
Level of difficulty: Marvelously Moderate

Video/Supplemental Materials - $15.95


Mozart Musical Workout’s original signature piece. The children explore the many delightful and surprising themes of Mozart’s Marriage of Figaro Overture with ever-changing choreography that includes movements like weightlifting, skipping and internal body shaking. When the music builds to such an exciting level there is no place to go but up, the children jump into the air with jumping jacks. Many, Many jumping jacks.

(grade 3 and up)
Level of difficulty: Marvelously Moderate

Video/Supplemental Materials - $15.95


In this video, the children dance a modified Kazotsky, do trans-lateral oom-pah pumps and lightning speed squish-the-bug turns in this exhilarating choreography to Trepak from the Nutcracker Suite by Tchaikovksy. The movements reflect repeated musical patterns in the AABA form, with a Russian flavor. There is also a play-along for Orff and rhythm instruments.

 (grade K - 2)
Level of difficulty: Peasey as Pie

Video/Supplemental Materials - $15.95


The children in this slower-paced video open their imagination as they become fish swimming underwater, exploring melodic contour. There is an Orff and rhythm instrument play-along for more advanced students, who can also check out musical elements such as complementary beats and sequences. Materials: Elementary Music Room Scarves (though it also works with no scarves). The Music is: Aquarium from Saint Saens’ Carnival of the Animals.

(grade 3 and up)
Level of difficulty: Marvelously Moderate

Video/Supplemental Materials - $15.95


The “Rabbits” in this video hop and run frantically in a tight space, do fake ballet and a wild version of “talk to the hand.” Be careful...it may leave you gasping for air. We use the Prestissimo Exposition of the 3rd movement of Beethoven Piano Sonata No. 5-- WITH THE REPEAT! Good luck.

About Evan

Evan Alboum has taught music in elementary schools as a teaching artist and elementary music teacher since 1997, with Kodaly, Orff, and Dalcroze woven into the fabric of his lessons. He’s collaborated with other teachers, writing original social-justice themed musicals with students as well as other musicals based on children’s literature.

Evan began his career as a mime and actor, specializing in physical comedy in musicals and Shakespeare after spending his childhood watching a lot of Bugs Bunny, Charlie Chaplin, and The New York Mets.

Workshop Schedule

  • Check back here soon for a complete schedule of Sir Evan's workshops.

  • Beatin' Path Publications
    302 E College St
    Bridgewater, VA, 22812