Aimee Curtis Pfitzner
- Singing Waters, Dancing Flames (Book/Supplmental Materials) BPP-ASW $34.95
- Playful Possibilities (Book/Supplemental Materials) $31.95
- Hands to Hands (Book/Supplemental Materials) $34.95
- Hands to Hands, Too (Book/Supplemental Materials) $31.95
- Painted Music (Book/Supplemental Materials) $32.95
- Sing a Song Play a Game (Book) BPP-ASAS $32.95
Brent Holl
- Sounds Abound! Vol. 1 - BPP-BSA (Book/Supplemental Materials) $34.95
- Sounds Abound! Vol. 2 - BPP-BSAT (Book/Supplemental Materials) $34.95
- School Songs - BPP-BPSS (Book/Music Downloads) $29.95
- School Songs - BPP-BPSS-CD (Audio CD) $10.95
- Wood Songs - BPP-WS (Book/Music Downloads) $26.95
- Ensemble - BPP-ENS (Book/Music Downloads) $26.95
- Canons Too - BPP-CT (Book) $12.95
- The Beatin' Path Consort Collection - BPP-BPCC (Book) $9.95
- The Beatin' Path Consort Collection, Vol 2 - BPCC2 (Book) $9.95
Ani Silva-Berrios
Charles Tighe
Chris Judah-Lauder
- Drum With a Passion - BPP-CDWP (Book) $31.95
- In the Modes - BPP-ITM (Book/Supplemental Materials) $34.95
- Canya Conga? - BPP-CC (Book/Supplemental Materials) $24.95
- to drum - BPP-TD (Book) $19.95
- Hand Drums on the Move - BPP-HDOM (Book) $19.95
Connie Hale
Danai D. Apostolidou-Gagné
- Singing Wind, Breathing Drum - BPP-SWBD (Book) $16.95
- Greek Myths in Modes with Judith Thomas-Solomon - BPP-GMIM (Book/Supplemental Materials) $34.95
- Sounds of the City - BPP-SOTC (Octavo for 3-Pt mixed voices) $2.25
David Krosner
- Race Around the World - BPP-DKRA (book/Supplemental Materials) $24.95
ATTENTION! This product has been updated. Click here for info.Dawn Eaton Muir
Eric Schopmeyer
Gloria Fuoco-Lawson
Jane Barbe
Jon Madin
- Classics Simplified - BPP-JMCS (Book/Music downloads) $36.95
- Marimba Music 1 - BPP-MMu1 (Book/Music Downloads) $34.95
- Marimba Music 2 - BPP-MM2 (Book/Music Downloads) $34.95
- Marimba Music for Little Kids - BPP-MM4LK (Book/Music Downloads) $34.95
- Marimba Songs - BPP-MS (Book/Music Downloads) $46.95
- Make Your Own Wacky Instruments - BPP-MYOWI (Book) $34.95
- Make Your Own Marimbas - BPP-MYOM (Book) $29.95
Jos Wuytack
Josh Southard
Judy Sills
- Canadiana - BPP-CDA (Book) $13.95
- Candiana Encore! - BPP-CDA2 (Book) $13.95
- A Musical Treat That's Fun to Beat - BPP-AMT (Book) $14.95
Karen Petty
Kerri Lynn Nichols
- Elemental Vibes - BPP-KEV (Book/Supplemental Materials) 34.95
- 55 Games to Sing, Say, and Play - BPP-K55G (Book) 21.95
- Body Talks - Speak, Move, Play - BPP-KBT (Book/Supplemental Materials) 29.95
- Brain Dance, Poster - BPP-KBDP_D (Classroom Poster Download) $8.95
- I am the song - BPP-KIATS (CD) $12.95
- Joy Full Noise - Church Music for Children & Youth - BPP-KJFN (Book) $34.95
- Music Moments To Teach Academics - BPP-KMM (Book) $49.95
- Music and Movement for Munchkins - BPP-KM4MCD
- Peace by Piece BPP-KPBP (Book/Supplemental Materials) $34.95
- Once a Round BPP-KOAR (Book/Supplemental Materials) $24.95
- Twice A Round (Book/Suppemental Materials) BPP-KTAR $24.95
- Inspirations BPP-KI (Book) $29.95
- Music For Dancers BPP-KM4D (Book/Music Downloads) $44.95
Konnie Saliba
Lisa Blasi
Maureen Kennedy
Melanie Kang
Michael R. Nichols
- Let's Sing and Play a Dozen - BPP-LSPD (Book/Supplemental Materials) ($24.95)
- Make Way to Sing and Play - BPP-MW2SP (Book/Supplemental Materials) ($29.95)
- Seasons and Holidays - BPP-SH (Book) ($13.95)
- Children's Orff Music for Church, Volume 1 - BPP-CCV1 (Book)($12.95)
- Children's Orff Music for Church, Volume 2 - BPP-CCV2(Book) ($12.95)
- Children, Sing Praise - BPP-CSP (Book) ($13.95)
- Sing Out, Children! - BPP-SOC (Book) ($13.95)
- Three Bible Stories - BPP-TBS (Book) (13.95)
- The Beatin' Path Consort Collection - BPP-BPCC (Book) ($6.95) with Brent M. Holl
- The Beatin' Path Consort Collection Volume 2 - BPP-BPCC2 (Book) ($6.95) with Brent M. Holl
- Christian Harmony BPP-CH (Book) ($13.95)
Michael Stern
- Songs for Kids (Book/Music Downloads) Coming Soon!
- Stand Up - BPP-MSSU (Book/Music Downloads) $29.95
- Stand Up - Song Collection - BPP-MSSU (Audio CD) $14.95
- Blessed Be - BPP-MSBB (Book/Music Downloads) $29.95
Paul Bakeman
Patrick Ware
- Let's Make a New Friend BPP-PMNF (Book)($24.95)
- Mary at the Kitchen Door - Choral selections with Orff Instruments for Grades 3-6 BPP-PMKD (Book/Supplemental Materials)($34.95)
- I'm a Trumpet Man - Choral selections with Orff Instruments for Grades 3-6 BPP-PITM (Book/Supplemental Materials)($34.95)
- This Is What I Can Do - Improvisation Starters for the Orff Classroom BPP-PTWD (Book)($26.95)
- Here's Two - Original Jazz Tunes for the Orff Classroom BPP-HT (Book/Supplemental Materials)($24.95)
Dealers, All of Patrick Ware's octavos have been collected and are now available in two titles listed above, Mary at the Kitchen Door and I'm a Trumpet Man. Go to the webpages for more detailed information.Dr. Rene Boyer
- Catfish Blues - BPP-RBCB (Book/Supplmental Materials) $31.95
- The Quilt Speaks - BPP-RBQS (Book/Supplemental Materials) $31.95
- Sigame - BPP-RBS (Book) $26.95
Robert A. Amchin
- Autumn Songs by Robert A. Amchin - BPP-AS (Book) $19.95
- Spring Songs by Robert A. Amchin - BPP-SPS (Book/Supplemental Materials) $24.95
- Modal Mosaic - Modal Pieces with Lesson Plans for Orff Classes BPP-RMM - (Book/Supplemental Materials)($34.95)
- Moods and Modes - for Intermediate Beginner Recorder Ensembles BPP-MM1 - (Book/Music Downloads) ($19.95)
- Alto Antics - for Beginning Alto Recorder Ensembles - Teacher's Edition BPP-AATE - (Book/Music Downloads)($19.95) Student Book (Book) BPP-AASB ($5.95)
- Recorder Frolics - Easy Ensemble Pieces for Soprano Recorder BPP-RFTE - (Book/Music Downloads)($19.95)
Steven Kennedy
Sandy Lantz and Gretchen Wahlberg
- Mixing it UP! - Musical Recipes from the Kitchen of Sandy and Gretchen BPP-GSMIU (Book/Supplemental Materials) $31.95
- SMore Bits With Children's Lit (Book/Supplemental Materials) - $31.95
- Drum It Up!- 20 Classroom Drumming Pieces for K - 5- BPP-DIU (Book) $27.95
- Creative Bits with Children's Lit - Favorite Children's Books with Orff Process Lesson Plans (Book/Supplemental Materials) $26.95)
- Strum it Up! 21 Soprano Ukulele Pieces in Orff Style (Book/Supplemental Materials) $27.95
Sue Mueller
- Simply Speaking -Speech Activities for Music Classes K - 6 (Book/Supplemental Materials) $26.95
- Simply Beginning - Beginning Activities for Music Classes K - 6 (Book/Supplemental Materials) $31.95
Scott Tarantino and David Ruggiero
- High Sticking - Easy to Intermediate pieces for Marimbas and Orff Xylophones BPP-HST - (Book) $24.95
Tiffany Unarce Barry
Vivian Murray Caputo