Sandy and Gretchen are building an excellent library of resources for your elementary music classes. Everything from classroom drumming, ukuleles in the classroom, to their wonderful best selling resource for integrating Children's Books with Orff process music lessons.

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Mixing It UP! by Sandy Lantz and Gretchen Wahlberg
Mixing It UP!

Book/Supplemental materials - $31.95; Plus Shipping


E-Book/Supplemental Materials - $29.95


 Mixing It Up! Sandy and Gretchen are very excited to share lessons integrating many mediums you can use in class! You'll find recorder, drums, ukulele, movement, and barred instruments integrated into the lessons. These activities offer hands-on activities, while differentiating instruction for varying ability levels. 

From beginning ukulele and recorder pieces to more challenging drum and mallet selections, our lesson plans are written as recipes for process teaching. This book strives use all your musical "stuff" with excellent Orff process lesson planning. In other words, Sandy and Gretchen   are Mixing It UP!

 Supplemental materials include projection-ready visuals, student songsheets, and more!

Strum It Up! by Sandy Lantz and Gretchen Wahlberg
Strum it Up

Book/Supplemental materials - $27.95; Plus Shipping


E-Book/Supplemental Materials - $25.95


 Ukuleles help students learn chord progressions, vocabulary, and how to accompany songs and melodies. The timbre supports the child's singing voice helping students hear and sing harmony accurately. 

 This book has full Orff-style orchestrations for your Orff music classes. Some songs include creative movement, folk dances, improvisation, and unique folk style instruments.

 Supplemental materials include a booklet with copy-ready lyric sheets, individual song sheets, and projection-ready visuals.

Creative Bits with Children's Lit by Sandy Lantz and Gretchen Wahlberg
Creative Bits with Children's Lit

Book - $26.95; Plus Shipping


E-Book - $24.95


 Your favorite children's books come alive in your music classroom with the songs and creative lesson plans developed by Sandy and Gretchen and presented successfully in level courses and conferences around the country. 

 Each book is read and embellished with songs, games, movement, puppetry, and drama. There's never been a better way to present important music concepts than through engaging young musicians with story, reading, and song.

S'More Bits with Children's Lit by Sandy Lantz and Gretchen Wahlberg
S;More Bits with Children's Lit

Book/Supplemental Materials - $31.95; Plus Shipping


E-Book/Supplemental Materials - $29.95


More of your favorite children's books with songs and creative Orff process lesson plans developed by Sandy and Gretchen. Add your classroom set of UKULELES and RECORDERS to these wonderful stories! 

 Each book is read and embellished with songs, games, movement, puppetry, and drama. There's never been a better way to present important musicians with story, reading, and song. Supplemental materials include full-color visuals, individual copy-ready songsheets, and full scores.

Drum It Up! by Sandy Lantz and Gretchen Wahlberg
Drum It Up!

Book - 27.95; Plus Shipping


E-Book - 25.95; Plus Shipping


 The 20 pieces in this book are sequential drumming pieces for hand drums, barrel drums, tubanos, congas, and small percussion. You'll find everything from easy hand drum pieces using the echo process, to show stoppers with black light beaters or sock mallets circling and beating on giant barrel drums! 

 All of these pieces are tried and true, used many times with great success with children and in Level courses, workshops, and conference sessions. Each piece comes with teaching suggestions that will start your creative juices flowing.

Ukulele Chord Flash Cards (C Tuning)
Ukulele Chord Flash Cards

Flash Cards - $19.95; Plus Shipping

17 flash cards you can use in classes for reminders, games, or reinforcement. All 17 cards have the chord names printed on the reverse side for easy reference when working with Ukes in class. There are 4 blank cards laminated so you can show students custom fingerings for seldom used chords.

About Sandy and Gretchen

Sandy Lantz and Gretchen Wahlberg are national board certified teachers who have taught elementary music in Florida for over 38 years. For the past 18 years, they have taught Orff-Schulwerk Level I teacher training courses sponsored by the Central Florida Orff Chapter, Stetson University, Florida Gulf Coast University and Florida International Univ. 

 They have co-taught workshop sessions at National Orff Schulwerk conferences, as well as, numerous state music conferences throughout the US. Together they have written the books, Drum It Up, Creative Bits with Children’s Lit, Strum It Up and S'More Bits with Children's Lit.

Workshop Schedule

Beatin' Path Publications
302 E College St
Bridgewater, VA, 22812