Singing Games at Beatin' Path Publications

Click on the covers for free samples!

Circle Round the Zero by Maureen Kennedy
55 Games to Sing, Say, and Play

Kerri Lynn Nichols
(Book) $21.95 Plus Shipping

(E-Book/Supplemental Materials $19.95)

Songs of the Sun by Tiffany Unarce Barry
Songs of the Sun

Tiffany Unarce Barry
(Book/Supplemental Materials) $26.95; Plus Shipping


(E-Book/Supplemental Materials) $24.95

Painted Music by Aimee Curtis Pfitzner
Singing Waters, Dancing Flames

Book/Supplemental Materials - $31.95; Plus Shipping


E-Book/Supplemental Materials - $29.95


Playful Possibilities by Aimee Curtis Pfizner
Playful Possibilities

Aimee Curtis Pfitzner
(Book/Supplemental Materials) $31.95; Plus Shipping


E-Book/Supplemental Materials) $29.95

Painted Music by Aimee Curtis Pfitzner
Painted Music

Aimee Curtis Pfitzner
(Book/Supplemental Materials) $31.95; Plus Shipping


E-Book/Supplemental Materials) $29.95

Hands to Hands by Aimee Curtis Pfitzner
Hands to Hands

Aimee Curtis Pfizner
(Book/Supplemental Materials) $31.95; Plus Shipping


E-Book/Supplemental Materials) $29.95

Hands to Hands, Too by Aimee Curtis Pfizner
Hands to Hands, Too!

Aimee Curtis Pfitzner
(Book/Supplemental Materials) $31.95; Plus Shipping


E-Book/Supplemental Materials) $29.95

Circle Round the Zero by Maureen Kennedy
Circle Round the Zero

Maureen Kennedy
(Book) $29.95; Plus Shipping


Over 60 classic games and songs for Elementary School children.

Sing a Song, Play a Game by Aimee Curtis Pfitzner
Sing a Song, Play a Game

Aimee Curtis Pfitzner
(Book) $31.95; Plus Shipping


(E-Book) $29.95


Circle Round the Zero by Maureen Kennedy
Jamaica Play

Dawn Eaton Muir
(Book) $29.95; Plus Shipping


(E-Book/Supplemental Materials $29.95)

Circle Round the Zero by Maureen Kennedy
Let's Make a New Friend

Dr. Patrick Ware
(Book) $24.95; Plus Shipping


(E-Book/Supplemental Materials $24.95)